Parted Paths: Navigating Grief After the End of a Relationship

When a relationship ends, no matter how happy or unhappy it was, or whether you wanted it to end, it’s as if a part of your life just stops. And that grief? It’s 100% real. Even though the person is still out there, living their life, the future you imagined together is now gone. This can be incredibly hard to process.

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed by the loss, struggling with mixed emotions, or dealing with the shift in your personal narrative, it’s important to acknowledge that grief after a relationship ends is a complex and deeply personal experience.

Grieving the end of a relationship involves mourning not just the person and the past you shared, but also the future you had envisioned together, shared dreams, and the significant shift in your life.

This workshop is for those who:

  • Are navigating the end of a relationship and seeking a supportive environment to process their feelings. Whether the separation is recent or from the past, you are welcome here.
  • Want to explore and address mixed emotions such as sadness, relief, loneliness, anger, confusion, shame, guilt and others.
  • Are looking for practical tools and techniques for managing grief, self-care, and emotional regulation.
  • Seek to build a support system and connect with others who understand.

What to expect:

  • Interactive exercises: Explore your feelings with three practical exercises. 
  • Q&A session: Have your questions addressed regarding the exercises and the complexities of grief after a relationship ends. All questions will be answered either during the session or afterward. 
  • Resources and summary: Receive a summary and additional resources to support your journey after the workshop.

When: September 17th, 18:00-19:40 CET (Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam time)

Where: Google Meet (link will be sent after registration)

Cost: 25 Euros

Spots are limited to 15 people.

Two stipends covering 100% of the workshop cost are available for those experiencing financial difficulties. Please reach out to apply.

Due to confidentiality reasons, the workshop will not be recorded - live experience only!

And you can also participate anonymously, without video, or in any other way that suits you best.

I offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

If you feel the workshop did not meet your needs, you can write to me within 24 hours and you will get the entire cost back.

REGISTER NOW to secure your spot

This is an educational and supportive workshop and is NOT a replacement for therapy. If you experience severe distress, I urge you to contact your medical provider or an emergency hotline.

Please note that this workshop is likely NOT suitable for those who:

  • Have a psychological or psychiatric condition in the acute phase.
  • Have untreated PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) related to the relationship, or those currently undergoing trauma treatment for PTSD.
    If you are unsure if this program is suitable for you health-wise or have any other questions, please contact me.